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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

healthy tomas

we had a very serene easter weekend with only a couple of trips to the hospital with grammie.  we've not had the guts to take tomas to church yet (well anywhere for that matter)
1-he had not received shots yet and we see more & more how dirty people are and are surprised with the amount that don't even wash their hands after using the potty , much less after sneezing or coughing
2-tomas, although improving weekly, cannot go 30-40 minutes without crying his little lungs out - he goes from zero to sixty in a blink

and the quiet weekend lead to an eventful monday - his 2 month exam and shots

we thought this was a special day and selected his attire for the occasion, after all he's a big boy of 2 months now.

he always does pretty good while being examined because he likes the attention and yesterday was no different.  when the exams drag on a little he gets antsy (as in the photo with papa above, this was right before receiving shots cause we'd already been there a while)

fun 2 month tomas facts:
-height 24 3/4" (97 percentile - his papa says this is a first for a whitener, maybe that's the escontrias in him)
-weight 12.15 lbs (75 percentile)
-head circumference 39.5" (50 percentile)

seeing her little baby bright red, screaming and crying was a little more than mama could take so while he was grabbing her fingers and she was singing in his ear tears were running down her face too.  who knows where these tears of hers came from cause she sees him cry every single day...

1 comment:

  1. Linc's first shots made me cry too!!! I'd say that makes us normal Moms!
