
!bienvenidos! thanks for visiting us here. we hope you make a stop often, as we will try our darndest to update somewhat often and at the very least keep you a-giggling.

Monday, March 28, 2011

i'm sooo cute...

everyone is always saying what a good baby little mr. t is because he is always asleep when guests come over, and since they usually only stay a few hours at a time he can keep the gig up, so here are some photos taken last monday showing what really goes on during the day here at casa carrollton - he even has the animals attention all the time.  it seems he is quite antsy and fussy (he has been labeld a "spirited" baby by one source), hum which parent would that be like (hint: it's not his mama).

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love the front they put up . . . as soon as the door closes, it's time to get real!
